• 2021-04-14
    According to Dr. Wood, love only refers to the emotion we feel toward people.
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      Directions: For each of the following sentences, there are four choices. Please choose the best choice according to Text A to complete the sentence.1) Love defies definition because __________. A: people may experience different feelings when in love B: we are too busy to indulge in matters of the heart C: it is sad to describe the gnawing pangs of emotion D: we don't understand its true depth

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      11. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ________ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.

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      The term "the Oedipus complex" is put forward by Sigmund Freud. It refers to a son’s feeling of love toward his and jealous hatred toward his father.

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      According to Simon, what is the influence of bad manners on people A: People do not feel a big deal. B: People feel rather humiliated. C: People feel shocked and hurt. D: People feel angry and exasperate

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      According to Confucius, the greatest love for people is the love for social peace and political order.