In MLA in-text citation, when you cite a work by more than three authors or editors, cite ________________, followed by et al. ______________.
- When do we use “et al.” to cite? A: When there are more than one authors B: The first time we are citing C: The second time D: A,B E: A,C
- Direct citation is to __________. A: cite the text word by word with quotation marks B: cite the text with some paraphrasing C: cite the text with your own understanding D: cite the text with no referencing
- In-text citation is a list at the end of your writing to provide the detailed publication information of all the sources you cite in your paper.
- Is it right or false?when we cite the reference,we should number the list of references and match with the citation in text
- When doing literature review, you can cite____. A: cite the most authoritative work B: cite the studies that are contradictory to each other C: cite the recent studies D: All of the above