The word 'reservation' equals to ( ).
- 中国大学MOOC: Sense equals to the meaning of a word or a phrase.
- 在java语言中,下列表达式返回true的是( )。 A: ”hello”==” hello” B: ”word”.equals(”word”) C: ,,john ,,= ,,john ” D: "john".equals(new Button("john"))
- If we number the alphabet as A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on, which of the following word equals 100?
- "电话预订"用英文怎么说? A: make an internet reservation B: make a call reservation C: make a face-to-face reservation D: make a reservation through e-mail
- Which of the following word doesn’t refer to hotel phenomenon? A: room reservation B: boarding pass C: twin room D: extension