• 2021-04-14
    短语'social media addict'的意思是“沉迷于社交媒介的人”。
  • 内容

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      Social commerce includes ( ) A: social media B: online media C: user contributions D: all of the above

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      The social media influencers are using their________ to attract millions of fans and bring crazy traffic growth for these social media platforms.

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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分36秒-2分49秒)The woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___________

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      现在你在社交媒体上发布的信息远比以前要多吗? A: Are you posting things on social media before B: Are you posting things on social media more often than before C: Are you posting things to newspaper more often now

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      中国大学MOOC: Which social media is the most popular media in the U.S.?