• 2024-03-31
    对于文本“I like to eat apple”,则下列关于N-gram的描述正确的是
  • 其Bi-gram为“I like”,“like to”, “to eat”,“eat apple”其Uni-gram为“I”,“like”, “to”,“eat”,“apple”其Tri-gram为“I like to”,“like to eat”, “to eat apple”


    • 0

      I would like ____Chinese food. A: eat B: to eat C: ate D: eating

    • 1

      I’d like _________ a cup of coffee. A: to eat B: to dirnk C: eat D: drink

    • 2

      —Would you like some bread—I don't feel like () now. A: eaten B: eating C: to eat D: eat

    • 3

      I’d like to eat out, but _________ I should be trying to save money .

    • 4

      I never eat onion because I don’t like its ________________.