翻译:知情同意是informed consent吗?
- 2)社会科学研究需要遵循知情同意(Informed Consent)的基本原则,这个原则包括哪些要点:
- Informed consent is not important. A: 正确 B: 错误
- Which of the followings is the basic principles of bioethics: A: respect for persons, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects B: informed consent, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects C: informed consent, beneficence and justice D: respect for persons, beneficence and justice E: informed consent, beneficence and selection of subjects
- Can informed consent be withdrawn? A: Yes B: No C: Maybe
- 知情同意包括两个方面,即知情和同意。其中,知情是前提,同意是结。