Which item is "A" in the ARS principles to evaluate the effectiveness of an argument ?? Approval.;|Agreement.;|Aim.|Acceptability.
- What aspects of evidence should we consider when we identify a fallacy in an argument? A: Relevance, agreement, and acceptability. B: Relevance, acceptability, and sufficiency. C: Agreement, relevance, and sufficiency. D: Acceptability, agreement, and sufficiency.
- 下列表达式的值为True的是( )。 A: false==0 B: not((True==1)or("A"=="a")) C: "A"> "a" D: ("5">"100")and 0!=1
- 下面逻辑表达式的值为真的是( ) A: "A" > "a" B: "9" > "a" C: "Think" > "Thank" D: 12 > 12.1
- 下面哪个 jQuery 选择器选择 id 为 box 的元素里的所有a标签?( ) A: $("#box.a") B: $("a") C: $("box").find("a") D: $("#box").find("a")
- 以下类方法定义正确的是() A: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") def showFav(cls): for item in cls.fav: print(item) B: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(cls): for item in fav: print(item) C: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(cls): for item in cls.fav: print(item) D: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(): for item in fav: print(item)