【资料题】Program.cs Program.cs Program.cs Program.cs Program.cs
- The program that a computer can execute directly is ( ) A: source program B: target program C: assembler D: executable program
- A part program, a service program, and a control program are made up of major programs.
- 以下程序段的运行结果是() A: PROgram B: PROGRAM C: PRO D: proGRAM
- 以下关于windows窗体应用程序文件的描述正确的是() A: 一个解决方案下面可以包括多个项目 B: 一个解决方案中的多个项目中.必有一个是启动项目 C: program.cs文件中有项目程序的入口Main函数 D: 每一个windows窗体只由一个.cs文件组成
- The(①)programmeansaprogramwritteninahigh-levellanguage.Itisgenerallytranslatedtoan(②)program,whichisinaformdirectlyunderstandablebythecomputer.Thetranslationisusuallydonebyprogramcalled(③). The() program means a program written in a high-level language.It is generally translated to an()program,which is in a form directly understandable by the computer.The translation is usually done by program called (). A: object B: basic C: C D: assemble