• 2021-04-14
    America succeeded in shaping world events over past 40 years probably because of ___________.
  • its ability to compete in the world markets


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      Asia has overtaken Europe and America to become the world’s biggest beer-drinking continent because Asians have been brewing beer for more than 7000 years .

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      Over the past century and a half, the top universities in America have embraced a researchdriven ideal.

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      Uncertainties such as natural disasters: A: Are not contingent liabilities because they are future events not arising from past transactions or events. B: Are contingent liabilities because they are future events arising from past transactions or events. C: Should be disclosed because of their usefulness to financial statements. D: Are estimated liabilities because the amounts are uncertain. E: Arise out of transactions such as debt guarantees.

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      [音频]Over the past few years, talent shows are very popular among young people, because they believe these shows can offer them the opportunity to _______________, or even change their lives.

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      Approximately, how much warmer has the Earth become over the past 200 years?