• 2021-04-14
    Suppose an economy produces only cheese and fish. In 2008, 20 units of cheese are sold at $5 each and 8 units of fish are sold at $50 each. In 2007, the base year, the price of cheese was $10 per unit and the price of fish was $75 per unit. For 2008, ( )? nominal GDP is $800, real GDP is $500, and the GDP deflator is 160.|nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 160.|nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.|nominal GDP is $800, real GDP is $500, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.
  • nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.


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      关于实现GDP(actual GDP)、实际GDP(real GDP)、潜在GDP(potential GDP)和名义GDP,如下说法正确的有

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      青书学堂: 用名义GDP( )实际GDP,我们就得到GDP紧缩指数(GDP deflator),它是整体价格的指示器。我们也可以用名义GDP除以GDP紧缩指数来得到实际GDP。

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      If a country’s saving rate declined, then other things the<br/>same, in the long run it would have () A: lower<br/>productivity, but not lower real GDP per person. B: lower<br/>productivity and lower real GDP per person. C: lower<br/>real GDP per person, but not lower productivity D: neither<br/>lower productivity nor lower real GDP per person.

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      下面哪些计算方法计算出来的GDP属于实际GDP(real GDP)

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      中国大学MOOC: 下面哪些计算方法计算出来的GDP属于实际GDP(real GDP)(多选)