• 2021-04-14
    Unit2-The accusations are making the government's conduct appear increasingly _________.
  • sleazy


    • 0

      What is the hidden tone conveyed by the author of Text A, Unit 4 to the U.S government?

    • 1

      She was making a/an _______ effort to appear calm A: glgantic B: immense C: tatanic D: tremendous

    • 2

      She was making a/an _______effort to appear calm A: gigantic B: immense C: titantic D: tremendous

    • 3

      She was making a/an ______ effort to appear calm. A: tremendous B: immense C: gigantic D: titanic

    • 4

      3. It is making it increasingly difficult for business to attract and _____________ B. retain (A. regain / C. remain) talent in Hongkong.