What is the major contention of Microsoft regarding the commission’s request to release the communication protocols of Microsoft? ? It is an infringement of the intellectual property right of Microsoft|It will greatly encourage competition which is a waste of social resources|It will harm the national economy in a long run|;It cannot be realized within several years due to technical problems
- Which of the following belongs to social network? A: Facebook B: Microsoft
- Which of the following belongs to social network? A: www.baidu.com B: Email C: Facebook D: Microsoft
- What do we learn about Microsoft’s ‘chatbot’ Taylor?
- 以下Windows2000注册表中,常常包含病毒或者后门启动项的是()。 A: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ICM B: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run C: HKEY_CURRENT_SUER\Software\Microsoft\Shared D: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Cydoor
- 下列哪个标识符不是合法的标识符 A: Picture.Print"Microsoft" B: Print"Microsoft" C: Printer.Print"Microsoft" D: Debug.Print"Microsoft"