在 I just can’t stand you being here 句子中,和 stand 表示相近意思的单词是 _____ 。
- Don't just_______. Can't you lend me a hand? A: stand by B: stand out C: stand for D: stand aside
- 判断下列句子属于何种句。 I can’t stand the heat.
- You will be the talk of the town in dresses made by FUTURE FASIONS. So if you can’t stand being in the spotlight don’t buy FUTURE FASIONS.
- He ( 忽视 )all my suggestions and if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it is being ignored.
- I can't stand ______ as a little girl. A: to treat B: to have treated C: treating D: being treated
- 0
"Do you like horror films?" "No, I can't stand ________." A: him B: them C: it
- 1
She is such an irritating woman; I don’t know how you can ______ her. A: stand up with B: stand with C: put up with D: put up
- 2
I’ll _____ you first. Can you stand on the scales, please?
- 3
She's such an irritating woman, and I don't know how you can () her. A: put up B: put up with C: stand up with D: stand with
- 4
18. An individual's employment can't be ________ just because of physical reasons such as being unable to fit into a desk or stand tall enough to see over a counter.