• 2021-04-14
    A space bubble was a _______________________________.

  • big glass ball connected to a machine which sucked out all the air inside.


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      People of which country around the world are supposed to have the biggest cultural bubble?

    • 1

      There are millions of stars in______ A: space B: a space C: the space

    • 2

      Chewing gum and popping bubble gum in front of co-workers is either cool nor ___. (dignify)

    • 3

      You want to make a complaint at the customer service counter in a supermarket. Which of the following space is appropriate? A: intimate space B: personal space C: social space D: public space

    • 4

      ____________ has just taken his first step into ____________ . A: Man, space B: The man, space C: Man, the space D: Men, a space