• 2021-04-14
    6. I want to know how did you _____ my computer? (2.0分)
  • deal with


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      Listen to the following dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear. [音频] A: Hi, welcome to Computer World. How can I help you? B: well, I'd like to buy a new computer, but I don't really (1) ________________them. Can you give me any suggestions? A: No problem. First of all, what kind of computer do you have (2)__________? Do you want to get a home computer or a (3)_______? B: I want to buy a DIY PC. Can you tell me what computer components you have? A: Sure. We have all the computer components here, including motherboards, (4) _______, RAMs (memory card), (5) ___________, graphic cards, CPUs, sound cards, fans and everything you need to build your PC. B: Can you (6) _______ some components for me? A: No problem. How much do you want to spend on a DIY PC? B: About 3000 Yuan. A: What do you want to do with your PC? B: View the news, (7) _________ my friends, play PC games and do my homework. A: I see. Shall we first start from the monitors? B: OK./module/audioplay.html?objectid=48a7d2239c15ca9d4aca12259fa4ae1c

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      I want my father ______ (buy) a new computer for me.

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following statements is an appropriate summary of the original material?The boy looked at me sadly and said, “My parents want me to study computer science. But how do I know I’m good at it? What if I’m not good at it? What if I hate it?”

    • 3

      How to say to the guest if you want to know his occupation?

    • 4

      Oh, my sweetie, you never know how attached I am ______ you! I love you so much so that I would die for you. A: with B: in C: for D: to