• 2021-04-14
    Though oil prices are ______, most energy experts believe that today’s high prices will become the norm as demand in developing economies keeps exerting steady pressure on the supply of oil and gasoline. (neutralize, disclose, dual, intermittent, dodge, intrigue, foretell, coherent, wholesale, volatile)
  • volatile


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      Crude oil prices are important in determining gasoline prices because crude is the primary raw material used to produce gasoline and other petroleum products.

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      Crude oil prices are important in determining gasoline prices because crude is the primary raw material used to produce gasoline and other petroleum products. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      Recssion or oil prices have no effect on people's future.

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      The world is running out of oil, and energy experts believe that there could be serious (short) ____in ten years' times.

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      The discovery of a large new reserve of crude oil will shift the ________ curve for gasoline, leading to a ________ equilibrium price. ( ) A: supply, higher B: supply, lower C: demand, higher D: demand, lower