• 2021-04-14
    As an Internet researcher, you should _______________________.
  • remain focused on the research topicresist the temptation to be distracted by unrelated sitesreview the source of all documents related to the research topicreview point of view of all documents related to the research topicreview completeness of all documents related to the research topic


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      In order to talk to several people at the same time on the Internet,______. A: you have to speak fast and fluently B: you should speak with wit and humor C: one should pay much attention to the use of exact words D: you have to express your ideas in a brief way

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      How can I pass the CET4?<br/>—( ) A: You should forget it. B: You should be shy. C: You should work hard. D: You can be nervous.

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      I'm not going to tell you ________________. A: what should you do B: what you should do

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      You should work hard. Then, you can pass the exam.=You should work hard so that ____the exam.

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      _____ should be sent to work there? A: A. Who do you suggest B: B. Who do you suggest that should C: C. Do you suggest who should D: D. Do you suggest whom should