• 2021-04-14
    Henry James is the forerunner of 'stream-of-consciousness' novels, because he was good at using writing techniques, such as _______ and psychological analysis.
  • point of view


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      Most of Henry James’ novels deal with the clashes between ____.

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      Academic writing calls for several differnt kinds of analysis: __________analysis, process analysis and causal analysis.

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      What can you do when you are writing in the way of stream of consciousness?

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      Like many of Henry James’s novels, The Portrait of a Lady is set in Europe, mostly England and Italy. This novel reflects James’ interest in ______.

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      Henry James is considered as the founder of _______________ in American literature, and he stresses the "psychology" of human beings. A: psychological realism B: local colorism C: critical realism D: genteel realism