• 2021-04-14
    “I’m not ’familiar with Python, but I’ve enrolled in a course on ‘Coursera’to learn.” is the answer to the question: ________________________________________.
  • What is your weakness?


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      what are you studying?Which one is NOT a good answer to the question? A: I’m studying to be a hairdresser. B: I’m doing a PhD in physics. C: I’m an accountant. D: I’m studying for an MA in math.

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      What would be a polite way to evade a question that you don't want to answer? A: It's none of your business. B: I refuse to answer that question. C: That question is inappropriate so I can't answer it. D: Oh, I don't know. I'm not very interested in politics.

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      I enrolled in the MOOC ______ I could learn more about grammar. <p></p> <p></p>

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      Shall we always give the standard answer"I'm fine" to the question" How are you"?

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      If you have a question, I answer it.