• 2021-04-14
    Juliet begged her father to let her meet Romeo one more time.
  • pleaded with


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      Sara likes to work part time so that she can _________ more time with her children. A: deal with B: meet C: give D: spend

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      Who finds Juliet "dead" in her bed A: Romeo B: Lord Capulet C: The Nurse D: Lady Capulet

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      The girl has lost her father and her ______, all in one day.( ) A: free B: freedom

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      As a mother, she is too _____ towards her daughter, she should let her see more of the world.

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      “Ineed a black dress for the concert next week.”“I’msure Emily will let you wear______.” A: one of her B: her C: hers D: her one