能再次收到你的信太好了。? That is nice to hear from you again.|It's nice to hear from you again.|/|/
- It was nice seeing you again! A: Nice to see you again . B: Nice seeing you. C: Nice seeing you again too.
- 以下中英文对应正确的有() A: Hello, nice to meet you, Mrs. Waters.您好,很高兴见到您,沃特斯夫人。 B: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Baker from England?打扰一下,请问您是从英国来的贝克先生吗? C: Nice to see you again, Jack. Let's add WeChat, OK?再次见到你真高兴,杰克。咱们加个微信怎么样? D: Oh, it's you, President Kong. Nice to see you again. 噢,是您呀,孔校长。很高兴再次见到您。
- It's so nice ____________ from you. A: hearing B: heard C: to hear D: hear
- It was nice seeing you again!
- There is no difference between the two phrases “Nice to meet you” and “It was nice seeing you again”.