Whenreconcilingcontrolaccountstolistsofbalances, acastingerrorinadaybookwillrequireadjustments:? To the list of balances, but not the control account|To neither the control account nor the list of balances|To the control account, but not the list of balances|To;both;the;control;account;and;the;list;of;balances
- A current account is called a demand account, it means that the balances in the account are subject to ________ on demand. A: withdrawal B: saving C: maintenance D: checking
- TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO CHINESE. "Record balances of each account, entering debit blances in the left column and credit balances in the right colume."
- Which of the following is NOT the purpose of a receivables control account? A: A receivables control account ensures that there are no errors in the personal ledger. B: A receivables control account help to locate errors in the trial balance. C: A receivables control account provides a check on the arithmetical accuracy of the personal ledger. D: Control accounts deter fraud.
- Which one of the following is not the purpose of a receivables ledger control account? A: A receivables ledger control account provides a check on the arithmetical accuracy of the personal ledger. B: A receivables ledger control account helps to locate errors in the trial balance. C: A receivables ledger control account ensures that there are no errors in the personal ledger. D: Control accounts help deter fraud
- Adjusting entries are necessary so that asset, liability, revenue, and expense account balances are correctly recorded.