• 2021-04-14
    【单选题】Thiskind of food is favored thecountry.
    A. over B. whole C. through D. throughout
  • throughout


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      【单选题】哪个标准是选题最基本的标准? A. 重要性 B. 创造性 C. 可行性 D. 合适性

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      【单选题】确定选题的第一步是()。 A. 拟大纲 B. 拟草稿 C. 立意 D. 文献调研

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      【单选题】The speaker ________ his notes before the lecture. A. ran down B. ran into C. ran out D. ran over

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      ‌2. The whole system will be fully ______ by December 1995.‍‌ ‍‌‍ A: A. operational B: B. operate C: C. operationalize D: D. optical

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      【单选题】单选:中国共产党创建的人民军队最初的名称叫()。 A. 中国工农红军 B. 八路军 C. 新四军 D. 中国人民解放军