• 2021-04-14
    A. None of the evidence on dietary protein and specific health outcomes can be classified as “conclusive”

    B. The relation between protein intake and cancer mortality and cancer diseases can be classified as “probable”

  • A is true, B is false.


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      <p>No one can escape the influence of culture.</p>

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      The polynomial P can be simplified with the command: simplify(P).()

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      Those who can give a (reason) _______________ excuse can ask the permission to leave. </p></p> ______

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      B Tree can support efficient range query </p></p>

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      三磷酸腺苷的分子简式是() A: A.—P—P—P B: A.—P—P~P C: A.~P~P~P D: A.—P~P~P