• 2021-04-14
  • 内容

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      龙凤呈祥纹样属于() A: 祈求长寿 B: 祈求发财 C: 婚姻美满

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      七夕节又称乞巧节,不是乞巧的含义是() A: 祈求心灵手巧 B: 祈求美好姻缘 C: 祈求五谷丰登

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      60.姑娘们也会在七夕那晚向天上的织女乞求智慧,以获得美满姻缘。 A: Girls too would at that night of Qixi Festival to sky for the Weaving Maid’s wisdom to acquire happy marriage. B: On the night of Qixi Festival, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage. C: Girls would finally get happy marriage if they pray to the heaven for the fortune from Weaving Maid on the night of Qixi Festival. D: In the night of Qixi Festival, girls would also pardon for wisdom to Weaving Maid in order for happy marriage.

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      鸳鸯在中国寓意着( )。 A: 美满姻缘 B: 白头偕老 C: 延年益寿 D: 两小无猜

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