• 2021-04-14
    青书学堂: (单选题)
    We shall renew the agreement
    we hear from you to the contrary.
  • unless


    • 0

      If you _______ the rules here, we shall have to dismiss you from the post.

    • 1

      We shall be pleased to receive from you catalogue and sample books ____ airmail.

    • 2

      Since we have learned so many phonetic skills, shall we go through a test to see whether we have mastered all of them or not? Now please finish 1-5 questions, listen to me and choose the word that you hear from what I say

    • 3

      Let’s go and have a look at the posters there, _________ A: will you B: shall you C: will we D: shall we

    • 4

      We are looking forward to ________ from you soon. A: hear B: hearing C: heard D: be heard