• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: OPT的两大支柱是OPT原理及OPT软件。

  • 内容

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      OPT: _______________ .

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      挂载NFS服务器172.16.43.254的共享目录/opt/aaa到本地目录/aaa的命令是( )。 A: mount /opt/aaa /aaa B: mount -t nfs /aaa C: mount -t nfs /aaa D: mount -t nfs // /aaa

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      中国大学MOOC: Which can fill in the blank so this code outputs Caught it?public class Tenth { public static void main(String&#91;&#93; args) { Optional opt = Optional.empty(); try { apply(opt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println(Caught it); } } private static void apply(Optional<Exception> opt) { opt._____________(IllegalArgumentException::new); }}

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      中国大学MOOC: OPT[i]&#91;w&#93;=max{OPT&#91;i-1&#93;&#91;w&#93;,OPT[i]&#91;w-w[i]&#93;+v[i]},这是()问题的递推关系。[/i][/i][/i][/i]

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      If you opt for cramming(考前突击), this puts you in the position of having to cram for the whole course. “Opt for”means ________.