• 2021-04-14
    2. The driver had never seen Ed in the past 25 or 30 years.  

  • 内容

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      Never ____ such a big fish. A: I had seen B: I have seen C: have I seen D: had I seen

    • 1

      From the sentence "And then, after 6 years, she saw him again. ", we can infer that the two characters had not seen each other for 6 years.

    • 2

      The past 20 years have seen little changes in the lives and structure of families in Britain.

    • 3

      ——Do you like the movie Harry Potter?<br/>——Sorry. I ____ that movie. A: never saw B: never see C: had never seen D: have never seen

    • 4

      What had happened in the past 20 years to Jimmy and Bob?