• 2021-04-14
    What did Glenn suggest if you do not know which topic to talk when you speak English?
  • Choose a topic in your specific situation


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      When we talk with native speakers of English,we should not ask them the question . A: How are you? B: What do you think of the football match C: Do you like the weather here? D: Are you married?

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      Which part is the nucleus of the sentence below? * Do you speak French and English?

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      Which of the following sentences indicates that you are repeating to check your understanding. A: Did you say that you only do vegetable pizza? B: Would you mind repeating that? C: What did you say? D: Could you speak up a little?

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      Now you are planning to give a 5-minute speech to your classmates in this course on a topic you are interested in. Think about the purpose, topic, audience and venue of your presentation and answer the following questions. 1) What is your purpose of giving the presentation? 2) What topic do you want to address? 3) What are the main points you want to make? 4) What do you know about your audience? 5) What do you know about the presentation venue?

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      What behavior should you avoid when you are talking on the phone? A: speak in an appropriate voice B: know how to answer the phone C: talk continuously D: put someone on hold politely