• 2021-04-14
    What should you make more efforts on if you want to speak English as a native speaker?
  • Pronunciation


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      You should speak English as __ as you can.

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      中国大学MOOC: What should you do if you want to refer to the previous speaker at the beginning of the presentation?

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      If you want to learn English well, you should speak more both in class and out of class, ( ) .。 A: in my opinions B: in my opinion C: to my opinion D: by my opinion

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      To speak with correct word stress, sentence stress, strong form and weak form, linking and rhythm is important for English speaking, as it can make our English sound more like a native speaker’s.

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      ‏What should you do if you want to refer to the previous speaker at the beginning of the presentation?‎ A: The speaker’s wit. B: The speaker’s reputation. C: The speaker’s style. D: All of the above.