• 2021-04-14
    In your cover letter you can simply repeat what are on your resume.
  • 内容

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      The purpose of a cover letter is to…… A: prepare you for an interview. B: support your resume. C: give details of work experience. D: All of the above.

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      中国大学MOOC: One of the purposes of a cover letter is to provide more details for the information in your resume.

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      How can we make the other party respond to your letter or email promptly? You should consider the following questions: 1) ____ is your reader? 2) What kind of ______ should you use? 3) What is your ______? 4)____ can you achieve your purpose?

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      40. According to the writer, the purpose of a cover letter is to _____________ A: A) urge the employer to read your resume B: B) please your potential employer C: C) get the employer to meet you D: D) show off your achievements

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      No matter how you edit the layout of your cover letter, please make sure it can provide the hiring manager with a quick and easy access to your contact information.