关于E.coli BL21(DE3)说法错误的是:
能被E.coli DH5a取代
- 中国大学MOOC: 关于E.coli BL21(DE3)说法错误的是:
- Pathogenic E. coli general include four types enteropathogenic E.coli, enterotoxigenic E.coli, enteroinvasive E.coli, enterohemorrhagic E.coli, E. coli 0157 belong to which type(<br/>) A: enteropathogenic B: enterotoxigenic C: enteroinvasive D: enterohemorrhagic E: coli F: coli G: coli H: coli
- 大肠杆菌表达系统中,可以作为外源基因表达宿主的菌株是( )。 未知类型:{'options': ['BL21(DE3)', '', 'TOP10'], 'type': 102}
- There are 10 Escherichia coli inoculated. Escherichia coli have a generation time of 20 minutes. After a lag of 20 minutes, the E.coli enter the logarithmic phase of growth. After 3 hours of growth, the total number of cells is A: 2560 B: 5012 C: 90 D: 1028 E: 1000000
- 大肠埃希氏菌(简大肠杆菌)学名为Escherichia coli即E.coli。( )
- 0
There are 10Escherichia coliinoculated. Escherichia coli have a generation time of 20 minutes. After a lag of 20 minutes, the E.coli enter the logarithmic phase of growth. After 3 hours of growth, the total number of cells is A: 2560 B: 5120 C: 90 D: 1028 E: 1000000
- 1
若(BL)=3,要使得 (BL)=0CH,应执行的指令是( )。 A: NOT BL B: XOR BL, 0FH C: AND BL, 0FH D: OR BL, 0FH
- 2
La poule mange des ______ de blé. A: graines B: grains C: pépins D: semences
- 3
- 4
下列关于风格派(De Stijl)说法正确的是()