• 2021-04-14
    Ambiguity tells us to explain the ____of language.
  • polysemy



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      下面代码的输出结果是( )。s1 = "The python language is a scripting language."s1 = s1.replace('scripting', 'general')print(s1) A: ['The', 'python', 'language', 'is', 'a', 'scripting', 'language.'] B: 系统报错 C: The python language is a general language. D: The python language is a scripting language.

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      Enlish language is a stress language, while Chinese language is a tone language.

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      The passage tells us ________.

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      This passage tells us that _________.

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      To use language to talk about language is the m____function of language.