• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: The Beatles, who helped to secure a major place for its country in the development of pop and rock music, is an American band.
  • 内容

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      Which of the following music genres is distinctly American? A: . Folk B: . Pop C: . Jazz D: . Country

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      Which type of music are typical American music loved by people all over the world? A: Rock and Roll B: Jazz C: Country D: Western

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      At first, the Beatles was just an unknown school band from Liverpool. But one man saw their potential, became their manager, and helped them all the way to global fame. Who is the man?

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      About American music, which of the following statement is not true?( ) A: Rock and roll, blues, country, rhythm and jazz, pop, and hip-hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres. B: The United States has the world's second largest music industry. C: It reflects the country’s multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. D: One of the common themes of country music is about life in rural America.

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      What kind of music does the woman like best() A: Pop music. B: Rock music. C: Classical music. D: Country music.