“春秋笔法” was said to be created by _________.
- 所谓的《春秋》笔法主要指什么?
- 《春秋》的艺术特征不包括 A: 春秋笔法 B: 微言大义 C: 礼义之大宗 D: 运用互见之法
- It is said that the Chinese characters were created by _______. A: Xu Shen B: Xunzi C: Cang Jie D: Emperor Huang
- 【单选题】通常将《春秋》中寓褒贬于文笔之中,而不直接表明态度的写法称为()。 A. 一字褒贬 B. 杨抑结合 C. 春秋故事 D. 春秋笔法
- _________ , Chinese Adam called by Westerners, was said to have created the world by separating heaven and earth. A: Jingwei B: Pangu C: Shennong D: Quafu