• 2021-04-14
    Hundreds of people are packed tightly in trains, the men’s faces ___________ in their evening papers, while the women trying in vain to knit.
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      To understand women, men shouldn’t take women’s complaints literally.

    • 1

      The difference between women and men when they shop is__________.? women enjoy the process whereas men need a result|women like hunting but men don't|men think it's a waste of time, but women like to waste time|;men enjoy more dangerous activities than shopping

    • 2

      According to the study, women live longer than men is probably because ______. A: women do more exercise to keep heart healthy than men B: women have more cells than men. C: ageing takes less loss on women's hearts than on men's D: women's hearts don't lose cells with age.

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      Passage Two From the whole passage, we know that ______. A: men and women have exactly the same brains in their heads B: men and women have quite different brains in their heads C: men think of mathematical problems while women think of languages D: men and women see the world around them in just the same way

    • 4

      It is mainly women’s fault when men and women fail to understand each other.