中国大学MOOC: DR成像的核心是The core of digital radiography imaging
- DR成像的核心是The core of digital radiography imaging? 平板探测器Flat panel detector|影像板Imaing Plate|计算机Computer|胶片Film
- DR的全称是( )The full name of DR is( ) A: direct radiography B: digital radiography C: detector radiography D: display radiography
- 数字摄影(DR)是哪两个英文单词的缩写( ) A: data recognizer B: dynamic range C: digital radiography D: degree of radiation
- With the improvement of digital imaging technology, digital cameras have taken the place of conventional cameras.
- DR的核心是( )The core of DR is( ) A: 胶片film B: 增感屏intensifying screen C: 平板探测器FPD D: 计算机computer