• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC:"A signal to the audience that you are ready to begin is to stand _______ and quietly until you are sure that all eyes are on you.";
  • "still"


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      You just go on until you see the station ahead of you.

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      中国大学MOOC: In order to get attention from the audience you can do all of the following except ____________.

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      A: Are you ready for the test tomorrow B: ______ A: Come on. I am sure you will do well. A: Why do you ask B: Sure, no problem C: What about you D: No

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      ‏ If you feel too nervous to look into the eyes of the audience, you may look at ____. ‎‏‎ A: the audience’s hands B: the audience’s noses C: the ceiling D: the ground

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      If you have ______ all the exercises in this book, you should be ready for the second-year course.