• 2021-04-14
    The student was accused of (plagiarism) because the term paper contained the exact words of an author without giving a reference. The word in the paranthesis means__________.
  • stealing words


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      Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words or ideas without acknowledging the source.

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      The CIA was engaged in (covert) activities in South America that were not made public. The word in the paranthesis means _____.

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      What’s the difference between a reference and a bibliography? A: A reference is always shorter than a bibliography. B: A reference lists the author’s favorite readings. C: A bibliography usually contains broader contents than a reference.

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      1.You are preparing a paper that involves a complex concept but you're having difficulty putting into words precisely how this concept works. You see an excellent explanation in another published paper. Is it okay to use this explanation word for word in your paper without referring to the other paper?

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      Quoted is author’s exact words; surrounded by quotation marks; cited with page number.