• 2021-04-14
    【单选题】“我流鼻涕。”的英语表达是( )。
    A.I have a fever. B.I have a runny nose. C.I have a stuffy nose. D.I have a big nose.

  • I have a runny nose.


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      17.— I have never visited a paper factory. —. A: A.So have I B: B.I haven't now C: C.Neither have I D: Neither I have

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      Questions 17~20 are based on the following talk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17~20. What does "it is as plain as the nose on your face" mean A: It is easy to solve. B: Something looks like your nose. C: It is something quite understandable. D: There is a plain-looking nose on your face.

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      Doctor: Now, what seems to be the troubleRichard: I don’t feel well, doctor. My head aches. My arms and legs feel weak. And I have a sore throat.Doctor: Do you ()Richard: I think so. A: have a fever B: have fever C: have the fever D: have some fever

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      I wonder if I ()time. If I ()time, I’ll go with you. A: have; have B: will have; will have C: have; will have D: will have; have

    • 4

      What does "it is as plain as the nose on your face" mean A: It is easy to solve. B: Something looks like your nose. C: It is something quite understandable. D: There is a plain-looking nose on your face.