• 2021-04-14
    Through exposure to air, water, and organic matter, rocks _____ changes known as weathering.
  • undergo


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      Less weathering occurs in deserts because __________. A: there is little light B: there is a lack of moisture C: there are too few organic acids from plants D: both a lack of moisture and a scarcity of organic acids

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      有机物质装载( organic matter loading )

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      High energy environment are not conducive to the _______ of organic matter in muds.

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      Phineus instructed Jason how to take the ship between the Symplegades rocks, also known as the “Clashing Rocks,” that guarded the entrance to the Bosphorus.

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      大自然中的山、石、树、风、水等物皆可为神。 A: hills, rocks, trees, the wind, the water B: hills, rocks, trees, wind, water C: hill, rock, tree, the wind, the water D: N/A