• 2021-04-14
    . The phrase about the nose expressing pride is _____.
  • to hold up one’s nose



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      . It is evident that _____. A: the expressions about the nose are quite plain B: the nose on your face is a plain organ only for breathing and smelling C: the nose is used in many English expressions for it is an organ for breathing and smelling. D: the nose is not only an organ but also something important in language

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      【单选题】Expressions dealing with the nose arewidely used to _______ to human weakness: fury, pride, contempt and revenge. A. infer B. transfer C. differ D. refer

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      What do we know about the phrase “草头露” ?

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      One could have expected that it would be about then that the phrase would be coined.

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      What about "Jason let the cat out"? A: Clause B: Phrase