- 转引他人作品的文内引用OnlyoneofthefollowingMLAin-textcitationsishandledcorrectly.Selectthecorrectanswer.ThestudentisquotingRabbiIsaacP.Friedfrompage38ofthefollowingnewspaperarticle:Treaster,JosephB.“HealingHerborNarcotic?MarijuanaasMedication.”NewYorkTimes14Nov.1993:38+.
- 转引他人作品的文内引用 Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student is quoting Rabbi Isaac P. Fried from page 38 of the following newspaper article: Treaster, Joseph B. “Healing Herb or Narcotic? Marijuana as Medication.” New York Times 14 Nov. 1993: 38+.
- The student is quoting Rabbi Isaac P. Fried from page 38 of the following newspaper article: Treaster, Joseph B. “Healing Herb or Narcotic? Marijuana as Medication.” New York Times 14 Nov. 1993: 38 . Which of the following is correct?
- 在自己的论文中引用他人的成果,()是错误的。 A: 所引用的部分不能成为自己论文的主体部分 B: 从他人的作品中转引第三人成果,必须注明转引出处 C: 引证的目的是介绍评论某一作品或者说明某一问题
- 参考同一作者两部及以上作品时,引用一部作品的文内引用Onlyoneofthefo...sanotherworkbyBangs.