• 2021-04-14
    1. The government is to ________ its privatization programme.

  • accelerate


    • 0

      In test marketing stage, the product and its proposed marketing programme are tested in real market settings within a large scale.

    • 1

      The government decided to launch a __________ to improve the legal consciousness of its citizens.

    • 2

      If the government's expenditures exceeded its receipts, it would likely

    • 3

      中国政府已经公布计划,到 2030 年在人工智能领域要引领世界。 A: China's government has revealed its plan to leading the world in AI by 2030. B: China's government has revealed its plan to lead the world in AI by 2030. C: China's government have reveal its plan to lead the world in AI by 2030. D: China's government has revealed its plan lead the world on AI in 2030.

    • 4

      The government has promised to do all _____ lies in its power to help.