A.retail price B.sales price C.sale price D.original price
A.retail price B.sales price C.sale price D.original price
sale price
- 特价的英文表达是?( ) A: sale price B: retail price C: sales price D: original price
- During a Deal, the reference price can be either Your Price or Sales Price, whichever is higher. You are allowed to change the Your Price or Sales Price fields to keep the reference price lower than Sales Price or Your Price.( )
- A—cost price B—factory priceC—net price D—price free on boardE—purchase price F—sale priceG—wholesale price H—purchase priceI—fixed price J—guaranteed priceK—cash price L—market priceM—preferential price N—piece priceO—price control P—maximum priceQ—minimum price ()批发价()单位价格
- The seller reduces the price by a certain percentage of the original price the for the buyer according to the original price, that’s to say to do proper favour in price on the buyer, the favour is ( ) A: commission B: discount C: advance payment D: deposit
- the retail price of haagen-dazs is
- 0
The sales tax ________ price ________ price of any item you buy.
- 1
合理的价格英文表达正确的是 A: expensive price B: proper manner C: proper pitch D: reasonable price
- 2
How will the correct price be determined A: By calling the company. B: By asking the sales representative. C: By looking at the price list.
- 3
中国大学MOOC: Is this the sale price?
- 4
合理的价格英文表达正确的为( ) A: proper pitch B: expensive price C: reasonable price D: proper manner