• 2021-04-14
    Instead, they utilize punishments with little or no explanation.
  • use


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      ___ .he refused to given any explanation.

    • 1

      My ______ gave me a patient explanation.

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      J-26 航路不使用此导航设施或报告点。() A: AAirway J-26 utilize the navigation or reported point. B: BAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reporting point. C: CAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reported point. D: DAirway J-26 does not utilize the navigation or reporting point.

    • 3

      Punishments for__________ which is a form of intellectual dishonesty differ from country to country.

    • 4

      The word “synergy” means (      )based on its etymological explanation.