(我国的青年有着) noble ideals.
- 青年有担当,国家就有希望。青年的担当主要体现在
- 我国近代音乐教育家有着“少年风流倜傥、青年为人师表、中年皈依佛门”奇特人生经历的是( )。
- What do Dan Ariely and Xiang Yu have in common? A: They never gave up their dreams and made the choice based on noble view of world, life and value. B: As a result, the ideals and convictions of Dan Ariely and Xiang Yu have been strengthened and their sense of responsibility has deepened.
- 青年有着大好机遇,关键是要( )
- ()明确提出了“青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强,青年有希望,未来的发展就有希望”的战略思想。