• 2021-04-14
    It seems people have too much _____ the needs of their children, but too much negligence in that of their parents.
  • concentrate on


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      I have () homework to do this weekend. A: much too B: too many C: many too D: too much

    • 1

      Stress in the workplace is an adverse reaction that people have in response to ________. A: lack of ambition B: demands, constraints, and opportunities C: having too much confidence in oneself D: too much ambition

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      For instance,( )about their appearance. A: they worried too much B: they are worried too much C: they worry too much D: they are worry too much

    • 3

      Children don’t like this book because there is too much ______ and too few pictures.(text)

    • 4

      She talks . A: much too B: too much C: too many D: So much