• 2021-04-14
    He could no longer________his laughter.? hold against|hold up|hold back|hold onto
  • hold back


    • 0

      ‎You helped me to _______ at times when I didn't think I could even go on trying.‏ A: hold back B: hold off C: hold up D: hold on

    • 1

      You helped me to _______ at times when I didn't think I could even go on trying. A: hold back B: hold off C: hold up D: hold on

    • 2

      Johnny<br/>cried bitterly in the classroom, not even attempting to _____ the<br/>tears. () A: hold<br/>back B: hold<br/>up C: hold<br/>to D: hold<br/>on

    • 3

      The production can be ______ for several months by the strike. A: hold in B: hold up C: hold on D: hold with

    • 4

      The girl was unable to ________ her tears any longer. A: ) hold down B: ) hold on C: ). hold back D: ) hold out