Small Office Home Office是指的是什么?
- SOHO型网络就是Small Office Home Office网络,比如网吧网络就是SOHO型网络。
- 美林证券实行SOHO(small office home office),许多分析师都回家办公,这属于熊彼得创新理论中的( )。 A: 技术创新 B: 市场创新 C: 资源配置创新 D: 组织形式创新
- Why is the water we drink at home or in the office not safe? ———————————————————————————————————————
- Where will the fax probably get sent from A: The office next door B: The speakers’ office C: Washington D: The woman’s home
- Who can work at home to create software without going to the office?